Need a recipe for a safelink componse new email with mailto:xxxx


Upon clicking a link a new outlook email should be composed with from email. Below is the code used and upon clickin on link, nothing is happening. Please advise how to implement this:

label: "",
links: a!safeLink(label: "Contact TQRM", uri: "mailto:xxxx@yyy.zz")

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    There are no issues in your code snippet, instead it all depends whether do you have a default Mail Client configured in your system or not.

    Also it's not always mandatory to have only Outlook as default mail client, because we do have many other mail client provided by different vendors and any one of them can be configured as Default in your system.

    Hence try checking what's the default Mail Client configured in your system.

    Hope this will help you.
  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    There are no issues in your code snippet, instead it all depends whether do you have a default Mail Client configured in your system or not.

    Also it's not always mandatory to have only Outlook as default mail client, because we do have many other mail client provided by different vendors and any one of them can be configured as Default in your system.

    Hence try checking what's the default Mail Client configured in your system.

    Hope this will help you.
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