Setting up a Paging Grid Selection Component to display selected text in a text field on an interface

Hi All,

I am trying to configure a Paging Grid Selection Component (see definition code below).  The grid will show a number of CDTs - comments coming from different approvers in a long running process.  However, when a user clicks on a row in the grid, I would like the text in the "comment" field of the selected row to be displayed in an a!paragraphField interface control that is placed outside the grid control on the interface.  Does anyone have guidance as to how I may go about this?

Thanks in advance.


local!commentsQuery: a!queryEntity(
      entity: cons!CSHV_COMMENT_CDT,
      query: a!query(
      selection: a!querySelection(columns: {
          a!queryColumn(field: "author"),
          a!queryColumn(field: "timeStamp"),
          a!queryColumn(field: "status"),
          a!queryColumn(field: "comment"),
      filter: a!queryFilter(
     field: "",
     operator: "=",
     value: ri!
      PagingInfo: local!commentsPagingInfo




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  • Hi Susan,

    Below are the some of the best practices while Passing data to Grid.


    1) Avoid dot notation to the Data Subset  ,instead use indexing with default null.

    2) Always Pass the paging Info with limited batch size

    3) Query Entity should be optimized with the filters and if possible try to take the data out of data-subset and pass to another local variable and use it for grid data.



    Siva Chimata


  • Hi Susan,

    Below are the some of the best practices while Passing data to Grid.


    1) Avoid dot notation to the Data Subset  ,instead use indexing with default null.

    2) Always Pass the paging Info with limited batch size

    3) Query Entity should be optimized with the filters and if possible try to take the data out of data-subset and pass to another local variable and use it for grid data.



    Siva Chimata


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