Hi All,
I am in 18.3 version and i can see that we can add the colors for Rich text field,
i have a rich text item like this
a!richTextItem( text:"Workflow", color:"STANDARD", link: a!dynamicLink( value:"wflow", saveInto: ri!tabName ), style:"PLAIN", size:"MEDIUM" ),
But i cannot able to apply the hexa color code to the Link which is present there is there a way we can change the color of the link
TIA :)
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harshav420 I've provided code that hopefully helps you with colored links that you are trying to achieve. You stated that you wanted color parameter be given with an Expression. My suggestion is to use a Decision table to translate text into a specific hex code.
You can then call the Decision table with rule! in the example provided below. I hope it helps!
load( local!color, a!sectionLayout( label: "Color Test", contents: { a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!textField( label: "Color Name", refreshAfter: "KEYPRESS", value: local!color, saveInto: local!color ) } ), a!columnLayout( contents: { a!richTextDisplayField( label: "Results", value: { with( local!colorHex: rule!VM_ColorLiteraltoHex( color: lower( local!color ) ), a!richTextItem( text: local!color, color: if( isnull( local!colorHex ), "STANDARD", local!colorHex ), link: a!safeLink( uri: "https://www.color-hex.com/color/" & right( local!colorHex, len( local!colorHex ) - 1 ), showWhen: not( isnull( local!colorHex ) ) ), linkStyle: "STANDALONE" ) ) } ) } ) } ) } ) )