Can You Explain the paging grid and editable grid.where we can use?


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  • Hello Tirumalar

    Página grid is a read only option, it is better when you need to display a huge amount of information using pagination. You can take actions on the information by providing links on the rows like (view details, delete row)

    Editable grid, to input or edit information, since you are adding information you can have validations or help tooltips. It is not expected to have a big grids and or having can take actions like add new line, delete row.

    Hope this helps
  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    Hi tirumalar0001 please find the description about the usage of Paging Grid and Editable Grid mentioned below:

    Paging Grid: 

    1. When you want to display the data in Read-Only format without any additional formatting such as usage of Rich text field or Progress Bar component. However you can have links to perform some certain actions for the particular row.
    2. Paging Grid has Pagination feature OOTB and we just need to deal with it's value, saveInto and totalCount to get this work.
    3. Paging Grid has sorting feature available but for that, we need to configure the field, which helps an end user to sort the data based on any column(which has sorting configured)
    4. You will not be able to edit any information in Paging Grid as it's Read-Only


    Editable Grid:

    1. When you want to display the rows which can be edited by the end-user, you need to go for Editable Grid
    2. Editable Grid supports additional formatting such as Rich text Display Field (such as different color for the texts based on condition for a column), Progress Bar Component etc..
    3. Applying validations conditionally/unconditionally for the rows
    4. Doesn't have Sorting feature exist OOTB, hence to do that, we need to go for Custom implementation, such as by using dropdown on the top of this grid to sort the data
    5. Also, doesn't have Pagination options available, hence we need to go for custom implementation.
    6. It's not always the case to have at-least one field editable in Editable Grid, in fact sometime even when you want the data to be displayed in Read-Only format then also we will go for Editable Grid when you need some additional formatting as mentioned above.


    Also i would recommend you to go though SAIL Recipes to have better understanding of SAIL.


    Hope this will help you.