Anybody can explain use of a!paginginfo() Function?


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  • Following is the basic syntax for a!pagingInfo(), this function is used the display/fetch the fixed batches (rows) of data. This function basically have 3 mandatory parameter that are startIndex, batchSize and sort.

    startIndex (Integer): Index of the array in which to start returning values for the subset. Valid values include those greater than zero.

    batchSize (Integer): The number of items to return. Valid values include those greater than or equal to -1.

    sort (SortInfo Array): Valid values include null, an empty array of SortInfo, or an array of SortInfo where <SortInfo>.field is the name of a field on the input array elements or "dot" notation for a nested field.
    a!pagingInfo( startIndex, batchSize, sort )

    Similar we have a topaginginfo() function which don't allow to pull sorted data.
    topaginginfo( startIndex, batchSize )

    More info please visit the URL:
  • Following is the basic syntax for a!pagingInfo(), this function is used the display/fetch the fixed batches (rows) of data. This function basically have 3 mandatory parameter that are startIndex, batchSize and sort.

    startIndex (Integer): Index of the array in which to start returning values for the subset. Valid values include those greater than zero.

    batchSize (Integer): The number of items to return. Valid values include those greater than or equal to -1.

    sort (SortInfo Array): Valid values include null, an empty array of SortInfo, or an array of SortInfo where <SortInfo>.field is the name of a field on the input array elements or "dot" notation for a nested field.
    a!pagingInfo( startIndex, batchSize, sort )

    Similar we have a topaginginfo() function which don't allow to pull sorted data.
    topaginginfo( startIndex, batchSize )

    More info please visit the URL: