I have an XML file which has records as below: <Users> <User&

I have an XML file which has records as below:


I want this XML to be ADD/EDIT/DELETE the any of USER record through Appian form.
It would be something like, input user form data should populate inside this XML.. allow to edit existing user or remove any user.
How it could be achieve




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  • Hi, You can use xpathdocument() function to get the xml information into process. You can show the data to user in the form and can give the options to add, edit or delete the data. Then use toxml() function to generate the xml format of the values in the process. Then use Text from template smart service to generate the XML file.
    Hope this helps.
  • Hi, You can use xpathdocument() function to get the xml information into process. You can show the data to user in the form and can give the options to add, edit or delete the data. Then use toxml() function to generate the xml format of the values in the process. Then use Text from template smart service to generate the XML file.
    Hope this helps.
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