I have an XML file which has records as below: <Users> <User&

I have an XML file which has records as below:


I want this XML to be ADD/EDIT/DELETE the any of USER record through Appian form.
It would be something like, input user form data should populate inside this XML.. allow to edit existing user or remove any user.
How it could be achieve




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  • thanks for sharing details.

    Ok, understand CDT will store the details of one user.

    Still an query here as below:
    I suppose to follow below steps:
    1. Search user by login ID
    2. above step will use - xpathdocument(..) and store the one user xml node into process variables.
    3. using XPATH, user input form gets populate with related details as below:
    login ID - " "
    phone: data

    and result will store into CDT.

    4. In Script task OR output variable, i can append the details into XML format - (one user updated xml node).

    5. PROBLEM: How can i merge this particular updated one user's XML node into process vriable which hold whole XML (about to replace older with newer) ?

    Some how, i have to iterate and take each user node into the CDT and use array of CDT and follow to replace ?? if that is the case then.. i have to look for how to iterate/parase XML and fetch the each user nodes to prepare CDT...

    or please share your comments.

    Thank You.
  • thanks for sharing details.

    Ok, understand CDT will store the details of one user.

    Still an query here as below:
    I suppose to follow below steps:
    1. Search user by login ID
    2. above step will use - xpathdocument(..) and store the one user xml node into process variables.
    3. using XPATH, user input form gets populate with related details as below:
    login ID - " "
    phone: data

    and result will store into CDT.

    4. In Script task OR output variable, i can append the details into XML format - (one user updated xml node).

    5. PROBLEM: How can i merge this particular updated one user's XML node into process vriable which hold whole XML (about to replace older with newer) ?

    Some how, i have to iterate and take each user node into the CDT and use array of CDT and follow to replace ?? if that is the case then.. i have to look for how to iterate/parase XML and fetch the each user nodes to prepare CDT...

    or please share your comments.

    Thank You.
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