1) Is there anyway i can provide a print functionality in user Input Task so tha

1) Is there anyway i can provide a print functionality in user Input Task so that the current UI or form can be printed?
2) How can i print the multiple documents.Scenario is like we are showing the multiple documents information in a paging grid.User can select the multiple documents and click on a print button.I know the id of the selected documents so now how can i print the selected documents?
Any pointers on this....



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  • 1: Using JavaScript (window.print()) you can tell the browser to print the page. This is the same as when the user types CTRL+P. The printed result depends on some browser settings. Keep an eye on these settings.

    2: Documents can not be directly printed OOTB. However it should be possible to build a plugin that does printing on the server side. For client side printing you need to give the user a list of document links. The user needs to click on each link, open the document and print it out of the application (Word, Excel, Acrobat etc.)
  • 1: Using JavaScript (window.print()) you can tell the browser to print the page. This is the same as when the user types CTRL+P. The printed result depends on some browser settings. Keep an eye on these settings.

    2: Documents can not be directly printed OOTB. However it should be possible to build a plugin that does printing on the server side. For client side printing you need to give the user a list of document links. The user needs to click on each link, open the document and print it out of the application (Word, Excel, Acrobat etc.)
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