Add ability to specify columnLayout in sideBySideItem

Currently when you list a columnLayout inside a sideBySideItem you get the following error:

"Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function a!sideBySideLayout [line 172]: A side by side layout has an invalid item. The item at index 7 contains a component that is not supported in a side by side layout. Received: ColumnLayout."


It would be really helpful to be able to have this functionality. Currently working on a building a "comment entry" interface:



The breakdown is as follows: 

I have a columnLayout with three sideBySideLayouts (one for image, name, timestamp - one for comment - one for edit and delete). However because I can't put a columnLayout inside a sideBySideLayout, I had to pad the last two sideBySideLayouts with empty sideBySideItems (see the little red boxes on the left) so that the comment and the edit/delete buttons are in line with the user's name. It would be better if I could have the sideBySideItem containing my name hold a columnLayout where I could then drop in the name, comment, and buttons. Or, alternatively you could have columnLayout be able to have a MINIMIZE width option.

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