Error Evaluating UI Expression Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = XVBJ6PX9] in rule 'nms_submitnewsreport' at function a!fileUploadField [line 59]: Could not cast from Folder to Document. Details: CastCompatibl

Hello All,


I created an interface where user will submit their information as well as they will upload a document and all data filled by them will be going for approvals. Approver should see all the data sent by user in read only mode. when user submit the form through action , subjected error is coming,

label: "File Upload",
labelPosition: local!labelPosition,
value: ri!file_upload,
saveInto: ri!file_upload,
readOnly: local!readOnly,
required: not(local!readOnly),
maxSelections: "1",
target: cons!docs,

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