Open link through dropdown values

I have a requirement that by selecting a value from the dropdown, the respective link should open. For example, in the dropdown, if I select Google - it should route me to

How can we achieve this. Please suggest me on this.

Thank you!

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I suspect the best you'll be able to do is have a separate link field (as an aside, i suggest using Rich Text field for links in all use cases now), which appears after the selected dropdown value is chosen, which the user can then click on, and the link will be opened in a new tab.  Appian by default doesn't have any sort of "auto forward" feature which would take the user away from the current task/form just from selecting a dropdown value.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I suspect the best you'll be able to do is have a separate link field (as an aside, i suggest using Rich Text field for links in all use cases now), which appears after the selected dropdown value is chosen, which the user can then click on, and the link will be opened in a new tab.  Appian by default doesn't have any sort of "auto forward" feature which would take the user away from the current task/form just from selecting a dropdown value.

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