Image as button on my Interface


I willing to use Image as button on my Interface  but i not able to get that image in my Interface .

I have saved my Image in Appian document .

My code is 

  images:a!documentImage(document:Const!xyz "",link:a!safeLink("" , uri : Cons! abc .. ))

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    My suggestion would be to remove the link part and see if you can get image alone to display on the screen.  You may also want to include curly braces on either side of the a!documentImage function to make it a list of documentImages with only one item in the list.

    It should be fairly straightforward to get the image to display, and afterwards you can add the link functionality.  If that breaks it again, we know the error is in your link code.

    Appian doesn't seem to list which filetypes are supported by documentImage, but I know from personal experience at least jpg, png, and gif (even animated gifs).  It also likely supports svg because they support svg for logos.

  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    My suggestion would be to remove the link part and see if you can get image alone to display on the screen.  You may also want to include curly braces on either side of the a!documentImage function to make it a list of documentImages with only one item in the list.

    It should be fairly straightforward to get the image to display, and afterwards you can add the link functionality.  If that breaks it again, we know the error is in your link code.

    Appian doesn't seem to list which filetypes are supported by documentImage, but I know from personal experience at least jpg, png, and gif (even animated gifs).  It also likely supports svg because they support svg for logos.

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