a!gridImageColumn is giving issue

Hi ,

I am facing some issue after adding one condition to below working code. After adding its returning document as  null. 

Kindly help me and correct me where i am missing in the below code snippet.

Kindly find below working and non working code and error message .

-------------------------------Working code----------------------------

label: "",
size: "ICON",
data: if(rule!APN_isEmpty(local!testsubset.data),{},apply(
a!documentImage(document: _,caption: _),
apply(a!iconIndicator, {if(todate(local!testsubset.data.strDate)>today(),"Hello", "Hii")}),
if(todate(local!testsubset.data.strDate)>today(),"Hi to all","Hello to all"),

-------------------------------- Added code which is giving below error---------------

label: "",
size: "ICON",
data: if(rule!APN_isEmpty(local!testsubset.data),{},apply(
a!documentImage(document: _,caption: _),
apply(a!iconIndicator, {if(todate(local!testsubset.data.strDate)>today(),"Hello", "Hii")}),
if(local!testsubset.data.id=local!testsubsetFinal.id,"Hi to all","Hello to all"),"Date Implemented"),

Error Evaluating UI Expression
Expression evaluation error in rule 'Test_Rule' (called by rule 'Master_Rule') at function a!gridField [line 126]: The image at index 13 in an grid component [label=“”] has an invalid value for “document”. “document” must not be null.

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  • If you have access to use the a!forEach function try that instead. I find forEach much easier to use for looping. Something along the lines of a!forEach(items: local!testsubset.data, expression : a!documentImage( /* code to determine the document to display*/ )). You shouldn't need to use the merge commands so it should simplify your code - I'd also suggest using proper documents to start with as I'm not sure the values you're passing in are actual document icons ?    

  • These are icons only. But by just changing if condition its not working. I tried to simply put "true" also in if condition not working.

    Saying it should be list in merge function. I had put {} then its started saying document object is null.

    I am not understanding why that is tightly bounded with this condition. I can't change this code pattern as of now.

  • Can you post the full code snippet as I've just tried to create a dummy interface in my sandpit and I'm getting an error message around 

    Could not display interface. Please check definition and inputs. Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function a!iconIndicator [line 16]: Invalid value for “icon”. Received: Hii. Supported values are:

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