Trying to get a report using a custom field that was added to the user account p

Trying to get a report using a custom field that was added to the user account page. The field is 'customField1'

I can pull back the field here - user("username","customField1")

But what I am looking for is how to pull back the field for every user in a group that I select, and count the different groups.

IE: My field is called group #, and user1 is group 1 and user2 is group 2, user3 is group 1, so I want to return group 1=2, group 2=1.

I want to put in either one group, or multiple groups and pull back the count of each group # for the entire group.

will it be something like this? =count(user(GroupName,'customField1')), but that gives me an error....



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  • Okay this should get you in the right direction.

    userAttributeList: apply(fn!user, getdistinctusers(topeople(ri!groupID)), "customField1"),
    distinctList: union(local!userAttributeList, local!userAttributeList),
    apply(rule!APP_createCountList(distinctValue:_,completeList:local!userAttributeList), local!distinctList)

    rule!APP_createCountList has two parameters:

    It should look something like this -

    rule!APN_uiTextReadOnly(label: ri!distinctValue, value: count(where(like(ri!distinctValue, ri!completeList))))
  • Okay this should get you in the right direction.

    userAttributeList: apply(fn!user, getdistinctusers(topeople(ri!groupID)), "customField1"),
    distinctList: union(local!userAttributeList, local!userAttributeList),
    apply(rule!APP_createCountList(distinctValue:_,completeList:local!userAttributeList), local!distinctList)

    rule!APP_createCountList has two parameters:

    It should look something like this -

    rule!APN_uiTextReadOnly(label: ri!distinctValue, value: count(where(like(ri!distinctValue, ri!completeList))))
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