Hello, On some user input forms (that have date and time input fields), I

On some user input forms (that have date and time input fields), I am using a JavaScript validation to prevent users from using Google Chrome. I tested it, and it worked... But suddenly, one user reported that he can not submit the form receiving a message that he should not use Google Chrome. The thing is that he is using Internet Explorer. This problem happened twice and with the same user. I don't know why this happened... Many other users have submitted these forms, without reporting any problem (and the validation has been active for a while now). I also tested the Java Script again and the result is OK. Here is the JS code:
function Check_Browser_InitiateProcess()
                    var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
                    var is_chrome = /chrome/.test(ua);          
                    if (is_chrome){alert("Unfortunately Chrome is not supported at the moment, please use Firefox or Internet Explorer");
                    setTimeout("self.close();",100); }                    
Please give me some advice if you kno...



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