Sorting not working

Hi ,

In below code default sorting is not working on  UI interface. 

label: "Served By",
field: "servedBy",
function: rule!getUserName(_),
array: ri!


In this we are setting local.paginInfo in load and passing same on ein with() to this dataset subset. Then further this dataset i am passing to another rule where i am keeping grid section. 

After clicking on header column sorting should be work but its not working. Tried lot but not found feasible solution.

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Parents Reply
  • Ok - lets try some basic stuff to see where the problem might lie.

    change your data line so that it just uses a standard display using index

    data: index(ri!, "servedBy", "Data Not Found") 

    If the information displays correctly and sorts correctly on this combination then it would suggest an issue in your rule!getUserName. 

    If data doesn't show (you get the Data Not Found message) , then are you sure the input RI is being passed a datasubset ?

    Show what values you are passing into via the test inputs - that might help also. 

No Data