Interface Performance Historical Performance trends bug

When on an interface in performance, when you go to Historical Performance trends it defaults aggregates to Hours. This all works fine. If you change the aggregation from hours to days then back to hours it breaks the graph when you hover over it, as it shows an increases in months as well as hours and sometimes into the future. We have recently upgraded to 19.2 from 18.4 so I don't know if this is just because it doesn't have the data for the past as it hasn't generated it yet. Has anyone else experience this issue before

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  • Hi Ross - I think I've managed to recreate the issue here - it seems the Graphing Hover over Date Time format is incorrect when you switch back from Days to Hours 

    Initial Entry to the Performance View displays by hours

    Switch to Days 

    Then switch back to Hours again - appears the Graph has transposed the “Days” date format rather than “Hours” date format of initial entry

    Probably best to raise a case with Appian Support.