Home page suggestion (Use RecordType in Interface based on Type of record)

Certified Senior Developer

Hello Team,

In my application there are around 7 record types. On my home page I am planning to use the Card Layout (using RichText) to show each of these types. Upon selection I wish to show the relevant Record Type for each selection. Firstly, is this possible? I am planning to use the dynamicLink to set a local variable and use to render the relevant record Type in my interface. I have defined a constant to "Record Type" and when I try to render based on whether my local variable is set, I am getting an error "An array of components may only contain Components. Retrieved RecordType at index..."

Please suggest is it possible to call RecordType in this manner? What am I doing wrong? Is there any other interface design pattern I can use to render each recordType in a better fashion.

Thank you in advance!



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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    I'm not sure what your error is being caused by, but in a bigger picture sense, the best implementation I've seen for this sort of scenario is: use one report to show your list of record types (guessing this is what you're already doing, or close) - but then for each subsequent record type, use a!reportLink to link to a report consisting of a custom-made interface showing your record list.  You have to build this from scratch but on the plus side, you get advanced filtering and all the bells and whistles you can get with a custom-built SAIL form that you can't do with the OOB record type list.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    One related question, you are suggesting to "create link to a report consisting of a custom-made interface showing record list". This is because I guess there is not other way of showing a RecordList in an interface. Only other is urlforrecord() but this will open up the tempo view of RecordList.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Justin Samuel

    Yeah - in Sites you're basically forced to either show a "report", or to show a record type, in a tab.  The trick is that a "report" is basically just an interface that you've also defined a "report" object for, and on which you can show basically anything that you'd be able to show on any SAIL form.  And then you can nest reports within other reports via use of a!reportLink (another way i've seen of doing this though, is having the list of individual "record types" on the master report be dynamic Links, and then when one of them is clicked, show a specified sub-interface [but still while on the same form] -- this allows you to do breadcrumbs at the top that a user can use to navigate back to the master list if they want.)

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    Thanks Mike! Appreciate your help! I was able to accomplish using the combination of Reports and PagingGrid (Readonly) as you suggestion, as was able to add some user filters too.

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