I have a radio button with 3 options in a "COMPACT" choiceLayout. I am trying to add whitespace between each radio button value to make the selection less dense.
I have tried padding with whitespace, e.g., choiceLabels:{"Option 1 ",...} but Appian trims the extra whitespace. This occurs when I use char() also.
One option is to make each choice its own radio button field, and then distribute the components across the interface, but this will create a lot of validation overhead.
Any suggestions?
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I agree that it's probably not worth the hassle to put them in a side-by-side layout.
Can you share what you're trying to accomplish (or the screen itself if possible)? Is this because you want it look better, are you trying to make the options line up with something else, etc.
Hi John,
Here is an example. I would like the options to have more space between them--not trying to line them up with anything else
My component is:
a!radioButtonField( label:"Test Field", choiceLabels:{"Option 1","Option 2","Option 3"}, choiceValues:{1,2,3}, choiceLayout: "COMPACT" )
And it looks like: