Option to go back to Report from record summary

Hi All,

We have a Report that is configured in one of the tabs in Site. The report consists of list of transactions(Retrieved from DB View) and search conditions on the same. When the user clicks on any transaction, he/she will be taken to the record summary dashboard through a!recordLink. Now the user is requesting for, whenever they click on a specific button in the summary dashboard, the system should automatically go back to the Report from which the record summary was trigerred. And they are also expecting that search filter conditions to be unaltered. Any solution on the this item would be helpful.

Note: User does not want the record summary to be opened up in a new tab, so the option of opening the record summary in a new tab through a!safeLink is ruled out.



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer


    Having the report filters persisted is a common request in my experience. In your use case it seems a little more complex because the user wants to automatically be taken back to the report. I would try to tackle those as two different situations. 

    For the filters you can have a button on the screen that is like "Save Filters" that will write to a db table to store the filter configuration. Then anytime they load the screen the filters are pre-loaded. 

    About the ability to be taken back to the report after hitting a "specifc button in the summary dashboard" I have a question. Is this button a related action? Is the button just another way to navigate to the report page of the site? Does everyone who clicks that button have access to the report? Does a a!reportLink not work for you?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer


    Having the report filters persisted is a common request in my experience. In your use case it seems a little more complex because the user wants to automatically be taken back to the report. I would try to tackle those as two different situations. 

    For the filters you can have a button on the screen that is like "Save Filters" that will write to a db table to store the filter configuration. Then anytime they load the screen the filters are pre-loaded. 

    About the ability to be taken back to the report after hitting a "specifc button in the summary dashboard" I have a question. Is this button a related action? Is the button just another way to navigate to the report page of the site? Does everyone who clicks that button have access to the report? Does a a!reportLink not work for you?

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