I am having editable grid with selection enabled where as the data will be populated based on the selection value in the milestone field.
In which we need to include one of the column as required whenever the selection is enabled.For that I have included the below code snippet in the gridrowlayout.
a!textField( value: fv!item.item, saveInto: fv!item.item, required: if( contains( tointeger( local!selectedIndex ), tointeger( fv!item.id ) ), true(), false() ), )
After including the above code, whenever the first row item of first milestone is selected,first item of all the remaining milestone field is also getting selected.If we remove the above highlighted snippet it is working fine.Also this is happening in Appian 19.2 and 19.3 version.It is working in 19.4.Did anyone face similar issue?Can anyone please help me on this.
Attaching the full source code here.
a!localVariables( local!selectedIndex, local!currentStep: 1, local!activeCategory, local!category: { "Hardware", "Software", "Pharma", "Electrical" }, local!items: { { id: 1, item: "Item 1", qty: 1, unitPrice: 10, category: "Hardware" }, { id: 2, item: "Item 2", qty: 2, unitPrice: 20, category: "Software" }, { id: 3, item: "Item 3", qty: 2, unitPrice: 20, category: "Pharma" }, { id: 4, item: "Item 4", qty: 2, unitPrice: 30, category: "Electrical" }, { id: 5, item: "Item 5", qty: 1, unitPrice: 10, category: "Hardware" }, { id: 6, item: "Item 6", qty: 2, unitPrice: 20, category: "Software" }, { id: 7, item: "Item 7", qty: 2, unitPrice: 40, category: "Pharma" }, { id: 8, item: "Item 8", qty: 2, unitPrice: 20, category: "Electrical" } }, a!formLayout( contents: { a!milestoneField( label: "", steps: { local!category }, links: { a!forEach( items: local!category, expression: a!dynamicLink( saveInto: { a!save( local!activeCategory, fv!item ), a!save( local!currentStep, fv!index ) } ) ) }, active: local!currentStep ), a!gridLayout( label: local!activeCategory, selectable: true, selectionSaveInto: { local!selectedIndex, a!save( local!selectedIndex, reject( fn!isnull( _ ), a!flatten( save!value ) ) ) }, selectionValue: local!selectedIndex, instructions: "Update the item name, quantity, or unit price.", headerCells: { a!gridLayoutHeaderCell( label: "Item" ), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell( label: "Qty", align: "RIGHT" ), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell( label: "Unit Price", align: "RIGHT" ), a!gridLayoutHeaderCell( label: "Total", align: "RIGHT" ) }, rows: a!forEach( items: local!items, expression: if( isnull( local!activeCategory ), {}, if( fv!item.category = local!activeCategory, a!gridRowLayout( id: fv!item.id, contents: { a!textField( value: fv!item.item, saveInto: fv!item.item, required: if( contains( tointeger( local!selectedIndex ), tointeger( fv!item.id ) ), true(), false() ), ), a!integerField( value: fv!item.qty, saveInto: fv!item.qty, align: "RIGHT" ), a!floatingPointField( value: fv!item.unitPrice, saveInto: fv!item.unitPrice, align: "RIGHT" ), a!textField( value: dollar( tointeger( fv!item.qty ) * todecimal( fv!item.unitPrice ) ), readOnly: true, align: "RIGHT" ) } ), {} ) ) ), rowHeader: 1 ) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: a!buttonWidget( label: "submit", submit: true, ) ) ))
Thanks in Advance!!!
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It's a little hard to tell because I am currently on 19.4 and it works for me. However, I'm confused by this section:
selectionSaveInto: { local!selectedIndex, a!save( local!selectedIndex, reject( fn!isnull( _ ), a!flatten( save!value ) ) ) },
Why are you saving into the same variable twice? Also, why do you need the reject() and a!flatten() functions applied to the selected index()? I'm wondering if this behavior is causing the index to be updated to an incorrect value, which makes your first row always seem selected.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for looking into the issue.This has been included to remove nulls if any for testing purpose.Sorry for the confusion here. Even the result is same if the code snippet is as below.
selectionSaveInto: { local!selectedIndex},
I just tried in 19.3 and it works fine for me there too. I'm assuming this is just test data that you used to share on Community - maybe it's an issue with your actual data? I'm sorry, but I don't see anything obvious that is incorrect.
Thanks for looking into it.
Can you check the hotfix version of 19.3 environment where you tested.Because it seems some bug fix applied on the HotFix Package D.I have tested in the version 19.3 without any hotfix.
AN-144662 - MediumFixed an issue where a row on a grid layout incorrectly appeared selected.
If this is the issue,Is there any fix can be done on 19.2 version other than upgrading?Can anyone please suggest on it?
Ah that might be the issue then - I'd suggest opening a ticket with Appian support