Choose function

Expression evaluation error in rule 'regat_ca_getconstantbycategory' (called by rule 'regat_ca_constantmanagement') at function 'choose': Choose index cannot be null.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    You're passing an integer into the rule, or creating a local variable that is an integer, and using it to evaluate the choose function.  At some point, that value was null and the choose function crashed.

    Two possibilities:

    1  Your integer, whatever it is, should never be null by that point, and you have a bug you need to investigate to find out why that integer is null.

    2  Your integer could be null sometimes as a perfectly valid value.

    In either case, you will probably want to wrap your whole choose function inside an if().  if(isnull(), null response, choose() )

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    You're passing an integer into the rule, or creating a local variable that is an integer, and using it to evaluate the choose function.  At some point, that value was null and the choose function crashed.

    Two possibilities:

    1  Your integer, whatever it is, should never be null by that point, and you have a bug you need to investigate to find out why that integer is null.

    2  Your integer could be null sometimes as a perfectly valid value.

    In either case, you will probably want to wrap your whole choose function inside an if().  if(isnull(), null response, choose() )
