Editable Grid Validation

Hi all,

I have two editable grids in my interface and I would like to force the users to enter add at least one row each to the grids.  How can I ensure users add a row each to my grid before they click submit?

Secondly, in an editable grid, is it possible for me to limit the maximum number of rows a user can add?


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  • The easiest way is just to add a validation to the validation parameter in your grid. Suppose you are saving the data of your grid into a local variable called local!rows. The following validation would ensure they must add at least one row:

      "Please add at least one row",

    You could potentially do the same for the maximum number - just check the length against a maximum value.

    I'd also suggest thinking about the best user experience for your users. If they are required to enter at least one row, should you start with a row already added (with maybe a few suggested values)? Or if you want to limit the number of rows, maybe you should hide the "Add Row" link after they have reached a certain number of rows. Validations are usually the easiest but may not be the best experience.

  • The easiest way is just to add a validation to the validation parameter in your grid. Suppose you are saving the data of your grid into a local variable called local!rows. The following validation would ensure they must add at least one row:

      "Please add at least one row",

    You could potentially do the same for the maximum number - just check the length against a maximum value.

    I'd also suggest thinking about the best user experience for your users. If they are required to enter at least one row, should you start with a row already added (with maybe a few suggested values)? Or if you want to limit the number of rows, maybe you should hide the "Add Row" link after they have reached a certain number of rows. Validations are usually the easiest but may not be the best experience.
