RecordType Expression

I'm trying to create an expression inside my recordtype, but it doesn't work for me.
I must always filter by a field that is equal to a value (ProductType = "N") This field is a CDT value that the record pulls from. Before I had it as By Field and it worked well for me.
But now I need that the same field can have two values ​​"1234" or "2221", this value is not in the CDT of the record, it is inside a related field of the main CDT.
In short, I need my record to always have TypeProduct = "N" (it belongs to CDT Product = Product.TipoProduct) and Client = "1234" or Client = "2221", (being client = Product.Customer.Client)
I'm trying it with queryLogicalExpression, but it doesn't work for me.

Thank you very much for your reply.

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  • What does your expression look like now? If you share the code then perhaps we can help.

  • HI Stewart

      operator: "AND",
        logicalExpressions: {
             operator: "AND",
             filters: a!queryFilter(
                field: rf!TipoProduct,
               operator: "=",
               value: "NS")
              operator: "OR",
              filters: {
                a!queryFilter(field: rf!idPortfolio.IdClient.commercial, operator: "=", value: user(loggedInUser(),"customField2")),
                a!queryFilter(field: rf!idPortfolio.IdClient.asistente, operator: "=", value: user(loggedInUser(),"customField2"))

    The CDT of the record is Product that has a TypeProduct field and also a CDT type idPortfolio field that has idPortfolio.IdClient.commercial

    Thanks a lot

  • 0
    Appian Employee
    in reply to alexc0002

    Are you using this in your default filters? If yes, then I think one of the issues is that you are not referencing the fields correctly. In the default filter, you reference the field using a string instead of rf!, so you would need something like this:

      operator: "AND",
        logicalExpressions: {
             operator: "AND",
             filters: a!queryFilter(
                field: "TipoProduct",
               operator: "=",
               value: "NS")
              operator: "OR",
              filters: {
                a!queryFilter(field: "idPortfolio.IdClient.commercial", operator: "=", value: user(loggedInUser(),"customField2")),
                a!queryFilter(field: "idPortfolio.IdClient.asistente", operator: "=", value: user(loggedInUser(),"customField2"))

    If this still doesn't work, you may also need to check the type of the relationship used between the Product CDT and the idPortfolio CDT. I believe you can only use a nested CDT as a filter if the relationship is a 1:1 or M:1 relationship. If you're using another relationship type, you may want to create a database view and apply these filters directly to the DB view.

  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to Peter Lewis

    Hi Peter,

    I had also done it as you indicate, but I get the following error "the field [TipoProduct] does not exist. (APNX-1-4203-000)" and that that field is a field directly from the record entity.

    The relationship is 1:1

    Summarizing the only thing that I need is that Product Type has the value N the commercial the value user(loggedInUser(),"customField2") and the assistant user(loggedInUser(),"customField2"), where a value will never necessarily coexist in the commercial or in the assistant, and can be null.
    Actually I do not care to filter on the Record with expression than with by Filed.

    I have in by Field ProductType = N and it good

    Then in Expression:

    operator: "OR",
    filters: {
    a!queryFilter(field: "idPortfolio.IdClient.commercial", operator: "=", value: user(loggedInUser(),"customField2")),
    a!queryFilter(field: "idPortfolio.IdClient.asistente", operator: "=", value: user(loggedInUser(),"customField2"))

    The field [idPortfolio.IdClient.commercial] does not exist. (APNX-1-4203-000)

    Thanks for your help.