Super dynamic user interface

We have a few hundred products. Each product has different configuration fields (with different labels or data types). Depending on which product is selected by the user, the interface displays various fields for the user to fill out. Does Appian provide a way to render such dynamic interface based on the configuration fields defined in a database table by product? I am trying not to write an interface for each product. Any comments and suggestions are appreciated. 

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  • Hi Cindy - as Mike alludes to, having a database model that will allow you to capture the relevant metadata about each field for each product would be the way to go, assuming you can map each to a small number of generic datatypes that can be used to write the Product instances back to a product database. A quick scrawl on some scrap paper (my go-to-design method!) suggests something like:

    Whatever is "common" between Products will go in the 'Product Table', the Product specific attributes will be listed in the 'Attribute' table and each attribute will have an attribute 'Type' (e.g. Text, Integer, Boolean, etc.). AT run-time your application will fetch all of the Attributes for the selected Product, each with a Type, and the 'Type' used to render the relevant interface component. Yes, there's lots of detail to be worked through but this should get you going. (NOTE: you'll also need a means by which the content of these tables can be managed - new Products defined, existing Products maintained etc.)

  • Thx for sharing the design idea. I agree there are a lot of details to iron out. It may not be easy to implement. 

  • In general, as long as you have the necessary information for each data structure and field, then you can have fully dynamic interfaces. I already did similar things in the past.

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