Create Clickable Interface from Process Report

I would like to create a landing page for an app which displays data from a process report in a grid format. Clicking on a grid row will allow a user to complete remaining user input tasks for that process model instance. This page also needs a button that initiates a new instance of the process model.

I currently have an interface that correctly displays the process report data in a grid. However, I cannot figure out how to make this interface clickable to complete an active process instance. I also don't know how to create a button for this page that initiates a new instance of the process model.

Do I need to create a report or record type that references the process report, rather than an interface? Any resources for how to do this?

Please let me know any ideas or possible solutions.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    What exactly do you mean by "complete an active process instance"?  AFAIK you should be able to grab task IDs from any active instance your report returns and formulate task links to those.  I'm unclear what else you might be wanting to do since all of this sounds plausible on SAIL forms.

  • a!localVariables(
      local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
        startIndex: 1,
        batchSize: -1 
      local!report: a!queryProcessAnalytics(
        report: cons!Constant1,
        contextProcessModels: {
        query: a!query(
          pagingInfo: local!pagingInfo
        label: local!,
        instructions: local!report.description,
        data: local!,
        columns: a!forEach(
          items: local!report.columnConfigs,
          expression: a!gridColumn(
            label: fv!item.label,
            sortField: fv!item.field,
            value: if(
              fv!item.configuredFormatting = "PROCESS_STATUS_ICON",
                images: choose(
                  /*Process status go from 0-4, so add 1 to index into the choose list */
                  1 + tointeger(index(fv!row, fv!item.field, {})),
                    document: a!iconIndicator( icon: "PROGRESS_RUNNING" ),
                    altText: "Active",
                    caption: "Active"
                    document: a!iconIndicator( icon: "STATUS_OK" ),
                    altText: "Completed",
                    caption: "Completed"
                    document: a!iconIndicator( icon: "PROGRESS_PAUSED" ),
                    altText: "Paused",
                    caption: "Paused"
                    document: a!iconIndicator( icon: "STATUS_NOTDONE" ),
                    altText: "Cancelled",
                    caption: "Cancelled"
                    document: a!iconIndicator( icon: "STATUS_ERROR" ),
                    altText: "Paused By Exception",
                    caption: "Paused By Exception"
                ) ),
                index(fv!row, fv!item.field)
        pageSize: 20,
        rowHeader: 1

    The attached code creates the grid I want in an Interface, which is being referenced in a Report. However, I am struggling to create a link in the Process ID column of the report. When I try to create a link by replacing value: with the code below or seeming anything else, I get the following error. 

    Expression evaluation error: Syntax error. Details: Expression evaluation error at function a!forEach parameter 2 [line 22]: Keyword and non-keyword arguments must not be mixed. Used in: gridcolumn

    value: a!linkField(
           links: a!processTaskLink(
             label: fv!row,
             task: fv!identifier
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to lukevg

    I suggest you manually define your columns, instead of looping over local!report.columnConfigs and trying to define a "universal" gridColumn definition that'll handle all columns.  I realize the recipe probably suggested that method, but I find it far more cumbersome and confusing than it's worth.

    Also (and sort of a side note), I don't use a!linkField any more and I tell everyone else that they should avoid it too.  It has been more than sufficiently replaced by a!richTextDisplayField, and with far greater flexibility.  I don't think that's related to the error you were seeing, though, just a note.

  • That seemed to work for a split second, but somehow no longer does. The attached code created my interface along with a clickable link column, and the grid momentarily populated as it should. However, when i saved and closed the interface, the data disappeared from the interface and the report that references the interface, so the grid is now blank. The attached code does not seem to have changed, and gives me no errors. Any ideas how that could be possible?

      local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
        startIndex: 1,
        batchSize: 20 
      local!report: a!queryProcessAnalytics(
        report: cons!Constant1,
        query: a!query(
          pagingInfo: local!pagingInfo
        label: "Rating Cart Uploads",
        contents: {
            data: local!,
            columns: {
                label: "Process ID",
                value: fv!row.c0
                label: "Status",
                value: fv!row.c1
                label: "Start Time",
                value: fv!row.c2
                label: "Link",
                value: a!richTextDisplayField(
                  value: {
                      text: "(Process ID: " & fv!row.c0 & ")",
                      link: a!startProcessLink(
                        processModel: cons!Constant2,
                        processParameters: {
                          testParameter: fv!

  • That seemed to work for a split second, but somehow no longer does. The attached code created my interface along with a clickable link column, and the grid momentarily populated as it should. However, when i saved and closed the interface, the data disappeared from the interface and the report that references the interface, so the grid is now blank. The attached code does not seem to have changed, and gives me no errors. Any ideas how that could be possible?

      local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
        startIndex: 1,
        batchSize: 20 
      local!report: a!queryProcessAnalytics(
        report: cons!Constant1,
        query: a!query(
          pagingInfo: local!pagingInfo
        label: "Rating Cart Uploads",
        contents: {
            data: local!,
            columns: {
                label: "Process ID",
                value: fv!row.c0
                label: "Status",
                value: fv!row.c1
                label: "Start Time",
                value: fv!row.c2
                label: "Link",
                value: a!richTextDisplayField(
                  value: {
                      text: "(Process ID: " & fv!row.c0 & ")",
                      link: a!startProcessLink(
                        processModel: cons!Constant2,
                        processParameters: {
                          testParameter: fv!
