Download several documents listed in a griedField component


I have a griedField component that lists several sharepoint documents.

1 document = 1 row where it is displayed the document name, author and a safelink that refere to a sharepoint document download url.

When I click on the link, the document is downloaded. It works well.

Now, I would like to select several (or all) documents from my griedField and click on a button to download them. (because it is a bit annoying to download the document one after another)

I don't know how to implement that...

Does someone have a solution ?

To resume it, I would like to use a one safelink with a list of download url.



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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer

    Create a Button or Rich Text field with a link (that shows up when more than one item is selected from the list), and have its saveInto fire a!startProcess() launching a process model that accepts the document identifiers in question, downloads them all in-process (assuming there's functionality for this in the Sharepoint implementaton you're using), then adds them all into one Zip file, then returns the Appian Document ID of that Zip file back to the form in the onSuccess parameter, and saved into a local variable (which previously would have been null).  And finally, when that variable has a value, show a rich text field with a document download link to let the user download the zip file.