Here is a little code example below of a 3 sum calculation with 3 foreach relating on the same data.
Is there any way to optimize this code to keep a single foreach left and then storing the sum outputs in a an array or a list of 3 items (or other)?A kind of:
local!sumArray: a!foreach(
sum(), sum(), sum()
local!sumA: sum( a!forEach( items: ri!data, expression: if (fv!item.weight > 0, 1, 0 ) ) ), local!sumB: sum( a!forEach( items: ri!data, expression: if (fv!item.weight > fv!item.weight2, 1, 0 ) ) ), local!sumC: sum( a!forEach( items: ri!data, expression: fv!item.weight, ) )
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Why not just have the forEach loop construct a dictionary? You can at least condense it down to only a single a!forEach loop over ri!data, though I don't immediately think of any way to do all the sum() operations in the same spot (but they're simpler at least)
local!dictionary: a!forEach( items: ri!data, expression: { partA: if(fv!item.weight > 0, 1, 0), partB: if(fv!item.weight > fv!item.weight2, 1, 0), weight1: fv!item.weight, weight2: fv!item.weight2 } ), local!sumA: sum(local!dictionary.partA), local!sumB: sum(local!dictionary.partB), local!sumC: sum(local!dictionary.weight1), ...
I agree with Mike . even i don't think of other option . This would have been easier and can be done in single For each in Java Programming.
There is an option using reduce() which allows you to pass data from one iteration to the next. I used it to implement a block based checksum algorithm for IBAN validation. But in this case I would prefer this simple one.
Thanks Stefan, I keep this function on hand :-)