Dropdown not displaying properly

Certified Associate Developer

Hello Appian community,

so I have a drop down where I am trying to see the the value of the of the entity and entityType and entitySubtype I can see the entities and the entityTypes but I can not see the .entitySubtypes? 

I do not understand why my code is failing and cannot "see" into for each loops to "view" what the values are or why its failing 

here is the code:

    items: local!symbolIcon,
    expression: fv!item.entity & if(
      " - " & fv!item.entityType
    ) & if(
      " - " & fv!item.entitySubtype

here is what I can see when I run the rule:

here is what you see from the drop down 

please lmk if you want more. 

I do not know why the dropdown is not showing the entitySubtype, 

the apn isEmpty rule take any object 

here is the code for it 

  length(ri!array) = 0

any ideas would be helpful



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    For purpose of debug, try replacing "" on your second IF (line 9) with "No Subtype".

    If you see a whole bunch of "No Subtype", you know that the display code works fine, and you need to find out why the subtypes are empty.  If they're not empty, thank you Appian for the new feature to look at local variables, there's possibly a typo somewhere keeping your code from accessing them.

    If you DON'T see a bunch of "No Subtype", then you know that the second IF statement isn't being processed for some reason.

    Try to make a dropdown that only renders the subtype, and not even the type.  It appears that code for showing only one works, so try code for only showing the other.

    Hopefully these will assist in figuring out why it's misbehaving.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    For purpose of debug, try replacing "" on your second IF (line 9) with "No Subtype".

    If you see a whole bunch of "No Subtype", you know that the display code works fine, and you need to find out why the subtypes are empty.  If they're not empty, thank you Appian for the new feature to look at local variables, there's possibly a typo somewhere keeping your code from accessing them.

    If you DON'T see a bunch of "No Subtype", then you know that the second IF statement isn't being processed for some reason.

    Try to make a dropdown that only renders the subtype, and not even the type.  It appears that code for showing only one works, so try code for only showing the other.

    Hopefully these will assist in figuring out why it's misbehaving.

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