Help Using Advance Form Utility Pro

Using Advance Form Utility Problem.
I copy Advance Form Utility jar file in plug-in folder and on form I try to use following function FormAPI.populateDropdown() with following details:
1. I define a rule MaxAllowedDaysonCA ==fn!index(ri!value,lookup(ri!type,ri!select,0),0) where value is type number and can get multiple value,type is from type text and can also get multiple values and select is from type text.
2. On a form on a dropdown25 filed which default vaue is CDT I define an event rule change ---FormAPI.populateDropdown("dropdown45",["MaxAllowedDaysonCA",FormAPIgetValue("dropdown25").id],"TypeDescription","NumberOfDays");

And it wont work and get me some exception.
Can somebody help me what wrong with my definition?



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