having issue on the APN 20.1 with gridFiled, Paging reset to original page on UPDATE DATA button click, if the selected row is update from next page.
a!localVariables( local!selection, local!selectedEmployees, local!employeeDS: { {id: 11,name: "Elizabeth Ward",dept: "Engineering",startDate: today() - 500}, {id: 22,name: "Michael Johnson",dept: "Finance",startDate: today() - 100}, {id: 33,name: "John Smith",dept: "Engineering",startDate: today() - 1000}, {id: 44,name: "Diana Hellstrom",dept: "Engineering",startDate: today() - 1200}, {id: 55,name: "Francois Morin",dept: "Sales",startDate: today() - 700}, {id: 66,name: "Maya Kapoor",dept: "Sales",startDate: today() - 1400}, {id: 77,name: "Anthony Wu",dept: "Human Resources",startDate: today() - 300} }, { a!richTextDisplayField( label: "", labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextHeader( text: "Paging reset to 1 on ""UPDATE DATA"" button click, if update happen on another page" ) } ), a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!gridField( label: "Employee Directory", data: todatasubset( local!employeeDS, fv!pagingInfo ), columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "Name", sortField: "name", value: fv!row.name ), a!gridColumn( label: "Department", sortField: "dept", value: fv!row.dept ), a!gridColumn( label: "Start Date", sortField: "startDate", value: fv!row.startDate, align: "END" ) }, pageSize: 3, selectable: true, selectionValue: local!selection, selectionSaveInto: { local!selection, a!save( local!selectedEmployees, index( fv!selectedRows, length(fv!selectedRows), null ) ), a!save( local!selection, index( save!value, length(save!value), null ) ) } ) } ) }, stackWhen: { "PHONE", "TABLET_PORTRAIT" } ), a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Update Data", saveInto: { a!save( local!employeeDS, remove( local!employeeDS, wherecontains( touniformstring(local!selectedEmployees.id), touniformstring(local!employeeDS.id) ) ) ), a!save( local!employeeDS, append( local!employeeDS, local!selectedEmployees ) ), a!save( local!employeeDS, todatasubset( arrayToPage: local!employeeDS, pagingConfiguration: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 10, sort: a!sortInfo( field: "id", ascending: true ) ) ).data ) }, submit: false, style: "NORMAL" ) }, align: "START" ) } )
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two quick things:
Hey Mike,
Its standalone code, so you can play with it. Use case when you click on the next page on the grid. and select some value and click on button. the grid resets from current page and goes back to initial page.
Thanks for editing to include a Code Box.
As far as your issue: are you saying you don't want it to revert to the first plage any time the button is clicked?
Yes thats correct. it should not revert to first page, even thought the data is updated with some button clicks.
Your "Update Data" button is doing several confusing things.
It seems like a lot of unnecessary complexity, though i guess that depends on your use case.
I believe a!gridField (when using fv!pagingInfo) will try to adjust to structural changes to the source dataSubset by reverting to a startIndex of 1 - this is to prevent pink errors from occurring when you do things like removals or filtering when on any page after 1.
If you want to more tightly control this, I'd suggest you use an external pagingInfo variable and control it yourself.
a!localVariables( local!selection, local!selectedEmployees, local!employeeDS: { {id: 11,name: "Elizabeth Ward",dept: "Engineering",startDate: today() - 500}, {id: 22,name: "Michael Johnson",dept: "Finance",startDate: today() - 100}, {id: 33,name: "John Smith",dept: "Engineering",startDate: today() - 1000}, {id: 44,name: "Diana Hellstrom",dept: "Engineering",startDate: today() - 1200}, {id: 55,name: "Francois Morin",dept: "Sales",startDate: today() - 700}, {id: 66,name: "Maya Kapoor",dept: "Sales",startDate: today() - 1400}, {id: 77,name: "Anthony Wu",dept: "Human Resources",startDate: today() - 300} }, local!pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 3, sort: a!sortInfo( field: "id", ascending: true() ) ), { a!richTextDisplayField( label: "", labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", value: { a!richTextHeader( text: "Paging reset to 1 on ""UPDATE DATA"" button click, if update happen on another page" ) } ), a!columnsLayout( columns: { a!columnLayout( contents: { a!gridField( label: "Employee Directory", data: todatasubset( local!employeeDS, local!pagingInfo ), pagingSaveInto: local!pagingInfo, columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "Name", sortField: "name", value: fv!row.name ), a!gridColumn( label: "Department", sortField: "dept", value: fv!row.dept ), a!gridColumn( label: "Start Date", sortField: "startDate", value: fv!row.startDate, align: "END" ) }, /*pageSize: 3,*/ selectable: true, selectionValue: local!selection, selectionSaveInto: { local!selection, a!save( local!selectedEmployees, index( fv!selectedRows, length(fv!selectedRows), null ) ), a!save( local!selection, index( save!value, length(save!value), null ) ) } ) } ) }, stackWhen: { "PHONE", "TABLET_PORTRAIT" } ), a!buttonArrayLayout( buttons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Update Data", saveInto: { a!save( local!employeeDS, remove( local!employeeDS, wherecontains( touniformstring(local!selectedEmployees.id), touniformstring(local!employeeDS.id) ) ) ), a!save( local!employeeDS, append( local!employeeDS, local!selectedEmployees ) ), a!save( local!employeeDS, todatasubset( arrayToPage: local!employeeDS, pagingConfiguration: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 10, sort: a!sortInfo( field: "id", ascending: true ) ) ).data ) }, submit: false, style: "NORMAL" ) }, align: "START" ) } )
Thanks Mike,
I have tried the local pagingInfo, but might have missed something,. Cool have tried it on main code and looks to be working