a!Submitlink value is not saving when executing in site

Certified Senior Developer

Hi All,

I am using a!Submitlink function to show with an edit icon. When the user clicked on the icon I am setting the value to true for that submit link variable. Whi I am testing that in the Interface rule it is working as expected. But, when I am executing the same on the sites the value is not saving. Please see the code and screenshots attached below.

icon: "EDIT",
caption: "edit",
link: a!submitLink(
value: true(),
saveInto: a!save(ri!Edit, true())),
size: "MEDIUM"

On Interface Rule after clicking on edit symbol:

On sites after clicking on edit symbol:

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Can you clarify - when you say you're using this in "sites", is this on a Task within a running Process Instance?   If not, I'm confused why you'd be using submitLink() instead of dynamicLink(), which can be used on reports / non-task SAIL forms / forms where you don't need or want to "submit" a task.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    Hi Mike, Thanks for the response. 

    This is not running within the process instance. 

    My requirement is whenever the user clicks on the pencil (edit icon) the value should set to true for riedit perameter . I have tried both a!dynamiclink and a!submitlink both functions giving the same result.

    When I am testing with the independent interface rule I am able to save the riedit value to true on click of that icon. But, when I plugged n that interface rule to the site and testing on site ri!edit value is returning as blank. Please see the debug field label in the below screenshots.

    Independent Interface Rule:




  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    Hi Mike, Thanks for the response. 

    This is not running within the process instance. 

    My requirement is whenever the user clicks on the pencil (edit icon) the value should set to true for riedit perameter . I have tried both a!dynamiclink and a!submitlink both functions giving the same result.

    When I am testing with the independent interface rule I am able to save the riedit value to true on click of that icon. But, when I plugged n that interface rule to the site and testing on site ri!edit value is returning as blank. Please see the debug field label in the below screenshots.

    Independent Interface Rule:



