a!safeLink not working as expected

As per Appian 21.1 (https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/21.1/Web_Link_Component.html) now we should be able to open the link on same tab.

I tried testing this but the link opens in new tab regardless of the value that is set to the parameter openLinkIn

Test Code in 21.1.

   contents: {
              links: {
                   label: "Safe Link",

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Parents Reply
  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    Hi ,

    Understood, I'll strive for clarity in the responses.

    the suggestions provided were based on generic troubleshooting steps applicable in many software contexts, including Appian. However, if there’s a specific Appian functionality mentioned incorrectly, such as a!link which doesn't exist in Appian's function library, the correct reference should indeed be a!safeLink. The aim was to assist with the issue pragmatically, but it's crucial to adapt the recommendations specifically to Appian’s capabilities and syntax.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Srinivas

    As many of the posters here are novice-level who will not know themselves how to filter "generic" answers through an Appian-specific filter, and may be badly misled in the meantime by inaccurate or downright-false answers, I would beg you to please refine such answers ahead of time both for accuracy to Appian-specific functionality, and also pertinence to the actual question being asked.  Many of the answers I see you posting have much work to do in both of these departments.

    I'm not the "community police" by any means (i'd leave that to lol) but having misinfo being posted with confidence as answers to questions is only making the job harder for those of us trying to help users reach accurate and appian-appropriate solutions to their questions.