Submit form does not return to record view

I do have a process model with start form. All my buttons are set to "Submit: true" but for some reasons not always buttons not redirect user back to record view. I do have enable chaining between all the nodes.  None of the sub process is run as async process. Enable chaining is also enabled between all nodes in sub processes.

I'm using Appian version 20.1

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  • It has not helped at all. I don't want to have a dialog but even when we used recordactionfiled as suggested user is not redirected to previous page.

    I have simplified sub processes and it has not helped as well.

    I have noticed one thing which I don't know how to address - this is Chrome developer console error:

    Invalid 'X-Frame-Options' header encountered when loading 'https://server:8000/': 'ALLOW-FROM' is not a recognized directive. The header will be ignored.