Hi guys,
I am working on a requirement like editable grid which contains 2 columns, In first column we are having textfield, In second checkbox.
I need to procide row based on Roles for grid field which includes textfield and checkbox.In checkbox in need to select multiple function
I have 3 nested CDT andgetting the value from role and function cdt,Need to display these to in Grid and map it to role Function CDT
Here is my input to the ruleInput
local!getfunctionNames:a!forEach(items: ri!AppDetails.function, expression: fv!item.functionName),local!getRoleName:a!forEach(items: ri!AppDetails.role, expression: fv!item.roleName),
local!role,local!funtion,local!delete,{a!sectionLayout(contents: {a!richTextDisplayField(labelPosition: "COLLAPSED",value: {a!richTextItem(text: "Role function Mapping",size: "MEDIUM")}),
),a!gridLayout(label: "",headerCells: {a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Role", align: "LEFT"),a!gridLayoutHeaderCell(label: "Function", align: "LEFT"),
},columnConfigs: {a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 3),a!gridLayoutColumnConfig(width: "DISTRIBUTE", weight: 3),
},rows: a!forEach(items: local!getRoleName,expression: a!gridRowLayout(
contents: {a!textField(readOnly: true(),value: local!getRoleName[fv!index],saveInto:{ri!roleFunction.role
choiceLabels: local!getfunctionNames,choiceValues: local!getfunctionNames,value:local!funtion,saveinto:{
}/*showWhen: local!displayActive=toboolean(fv!item.active)*/
if(ri!readOnly,{},a!columnsLayout(columns: {a!columnLayout(contents: {a!buttonArrayLayout(buttons: {a!buttonWidget(label: "Go Back",size: "LARGE",value: 3,saveInto: ri!currentStep
)},align: "START",marginBelow: "NONE")}),a!columnLayout(contents: {a!buttonArrayLayout(buttons: {a!buttonWidget(label: "Continue",size: "LARGE",style: "PRIMARY",value:5,saveInto: {ri!currentStep,},
)},align: "END",marginBelow: "NONE")})}))})
Please help me .Thanks in advance
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FYI, for code of this length (or really any length) it's hugely beneficial to post it inside a Code Box ("Insert -- Insert Code" in the little menu where you type text here). That both preserves indentation as well as keeps it from making a 1-page post into a 5-page post.
As far as your use case - can you clarify what you want to happen, and what you're seeing instead? I'm unclear on either of these points from reading your description.
One approach is to save the values in a delimited string. See here for an example: community.appian.com/.../61929