Retain form on page submission

Hi ,
If we have 2 rows of buttons which holds separate SAIL forms on each button click, i.e. calls different SAIL UIs with a choose function. And I want to submit the form and come back to the same selected button. Is there any way to do this ? Because once I click on a submit button configured in any of the SAIL UI, it is taking me back to the first selected button called SAIL, rather than staying on the same button SAIL UI.
Is there any way I can stay on the same page the button was selected once I submit where submit is true ?

For Example :- 
Row 1 is having Tab 1, Tab 2, Tab 3 and so on
If I select a tab from Row 1 then in Row 2 I see sub tabs ex- on selection of Tab 1 I will see Tab 1.1, Tab 1.2, Tab 1.3 and so on
Now if I am on Tab 1.3 and want to submit my form, I expect Appian to stay on same tab i.e. 1.3. But it is going to the first sub tab i.e. 1.1

Is this a normal behavior in Appian or some issue with implementation

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Appian loads the default values for a form every time it's reloaded, other than what you pass in as rule inputs.  For this use case it's pretty easy to have your submit button pass a value out (via a new Rule Input) that you then save into your process instance, and pass back into the form (via the same rule input usually) when it's reloaded, and your logic on the form would simply need to reflect that it needs to default to a value that was passed-in from the process (if there was one), otherwise the normal default.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Appian loads the default values for a form every time it's reloaded, other than what you pass in as rule inputs.  For this use case it's pretty easy to have your submit button pass a value out (via a new Rule Input) that you then save into your process instance, and pass back into the form (via the same rule input usually) when it's reloaded, and your logic on the form would simply need to reflect that it needs to default to a value that was passed-in from the process (if there was one), otherwise the normal default.
