Auto numbering

Certified Associate Developer

I have an interface where a supervisor can prioritize orders.  Is there a way that when one order ships that the numbers will automatically change to a lower number?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Can you clarify your use case a bit?  I'm unclear

    1. what user interaction on the form seen in your screenshot is intended to cause your desired change
    2. what the 2nd and 3rd columns are actually showing / doing
    3. which item(s) in the list you would expect to be affected after such user interaction takes place
    4. what logic would be used to address duplicates and/or gaps in the list of numbers
  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    So the interface is written so that the user can assign a priority number to an order.  The second column is where they enter in the number and the third is what the current number is.  Duplicate numbers only happen if an order has 2 or more line items as shown with number 4.  I am hoping to figure out a way where when order is shipped and is no longer on the report as for what was number 5, that 6 would become 5.

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt

    So the interface is written so that the user can assign a priority number to an order.  The second column is where they enter in the number and the third is what the current number is.  Duplicate numbers only happen if an order has 2 or more line items as shown with number 4.  I am hoping to figure out a way where when order is shipped and is no longer on the report as for what was number 5, that 6 would become 5.
