Hi team,
i am refering appian application tutorial
i have interface 1 and interface 2, i wanna reuse interface 2 into into interface 1...but shows error like this.....Could not display interface. Please check definition and inputs. Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error at function a!formLayout [line 4]: The contents field on a column layout cannot contain a form layout. Received a form layout at index 4.
a!localVariables( local!readOnly: ri!step="APPROVAL", local!labelPosition: if(local!readOnly, "ADJACENT","ABOVE"),a!formLayout( label: if(local!readOnly, "Approve expense Report", "Submit Expense Report"), contents: { a!textField( label: "Expense Item", labelPosition: local!labelPosition, value: ri!expenseItem, saveInto: ri!expenseItem, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", required: not(local!readOnly), validations: {} ), a!dateField( label: "Expense Date", labelPosition: local!labelPosition, value: ri!expenseDate, saveInto: ri!expenseDate, required: not(local!readOnly), validations: {} ), a!floatingPointField( label: "Expense Amount", labelPosition: local!labelPosition, value: ri!expenseAmount, saveInto: ri!expenseAmount, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", required: not(local!readOnly), validations: {} ), /*a!paragraphField(*/ /*label: "comments",*/ /*labelPosition: local!labelPosition,*/ /*value: ri!comments,*/ /*saveInto: ri!comments,*/ /*refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",*/ /*height: "MEDIUM",*/ /*showWhen: ri!expenseAmount > 100,*/ /*required: not(local!readOnly),*/ /*readOnly: local!readOnly,*/ /*validations: {*/ /*if(len(ri!comments)<=100, null, "Your text has exceeded 100 characters")*/ /*}*/ /*),*/ rule!AT_enterComments( showWhen: ri!expenseAmount > 100, labelPosition: local!labelPosition, readOnly: local!readOnly, required: not(local!readOnly), commentValue: ri!comments, commentSaveInto: ri!comments ), a!radioButtonField( label: "Radio Buttons", labelPosition: "COLLAPSED", choiceLabels: {"Approve", "Reject"}, choiceValues: {true, false}, value: ri!approve, saveInto: ri!approve, showWhen: local!readOnly, required: true, choiceLayout: "STACKED", validations: {} ) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Submit", submit: true, style: "PRIMARY" ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Cancel", value: true, saveInto: ri!cancel, submit: true, style: "NORMAL", showWhen: not(local!readOnly), validate: false ) } )))
a!formLayout( label: "Form", contents: { a!paragraphField( label: "Comments", labelPosition: ri!labelPosition, value: ri!commentValue, saveInto: ri!commentSaveInto, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", height: "MEDIUM", showWhen: ri!showWhen, required: ri!required, readOnly: ri!readOnly, validations: if(len(ri!commentSaveInto)<=100, null, "Your text has exceeded 100 characters") ) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Submit", submit: true, style: "PRIMARY" ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Cancel", value: true, saveInto: ri!cancel, submit: true, style: "NORMAL", validate: false ) } ))
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Contents field on any layouts cannot contain a form layout.
So just try removing a form layout from your interface 2 and then call it in the interface 1 like below
Interface 2:
a!paragraphField( label: "Comments", labelPosition: ri!labelPosition, value: ri!commentValue, saveInto: ri!commentSaveInto, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", height: "MEDIUM", showWhen: ri!showWhen, required: ri!required, readOnly: ri!readOnly, validations: if(len(ri!commentSaveInto)<=100, null, "Your text has exceeded 100 characters") )
a!localVariables( local!readOnly: ri!step = "APPROVAL", local!labelPosition: if(local!readOnly, "ADJACENT", "ABOVE"), a!formLayout( label: if( local!readOnly, "Approve expense Report", "Submit Expense Report" ), contents: { a!textField( label: "Expense Item", labelPosition: local!labelPosition, value: ri!expenseItem, saveInto: ri!expenseItem, refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS", required: not(local!readOnly), validations: {} ), rule!Interface2( commentSaveInto:ri!comments, commentValue:ri!comments, showWhen: true, required:true(), readOnly: false() ) }, buttons: a!buttonLayout( primaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Submit", submit: true, style: "PRIMARY" ) }, secondaryButtons: { a!buttonWidget( label: "Cancel", value: true, saveInto: ri!cancel, submit: true, style: "NORMAL", showWhen: not(local!readOnly), validate: false ) } ) ) )
it works..