How to change the text color of a text field


I am new to using the tool and I want to know how I can change the background or the letters of a text field to red in a form. When the text field has an incorrect value.

Where can I put this code, in the header, in the validations?


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  • Hi Maria,

    As Selvakumar mentioned you can not achieve that with the default text field validation, however  you you can 'fake' it with a card layout.

    Simply put a richTextField inside a card layout, and you'll be able to customise the colours.

      style: "#e74c3c",
      contents: a!richTextDisplayField(
        align: "CENTER",
        value: "This is some text"

    Hope that helps

    Acacio B

  • Hi Maria,

    As Selvakumar mentioned you can not achieve that with the default text field validation, however  you you can 'fake' it with a card layout.

    Simply put a richTextField inside a card layout, and you'll be able to customise the colours.

      style: "#e74c3c",
      contents: a!richTextDisplayField(
        align: "CENTER",
        value: "This is some text"

    Hope that helps

    Acacio B
