How to make Approval form Read only


I want the Approval form as Read Only except the radio button for approve or reject purpose and no cancel button.

I want different logic other than given in I do not want to pass a step input and then make it read only.

Could someone please suggest?



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Parents Reply
  • Ok thanks for the context! I think the easiest way to do this is to include a rule input for ri!readOnly. Then, in all the places in the form that you want to alternate between editable and read only, just use this variable (similar to how that docs page uses local!readOnly). Then, the key to using this in your process is to hard-code the value within each user input task to the appropriate value. So for instance, your approval form wouldn't even be mapped to an activity class parameter in the process; instead, you directly set the value for your readOnly variable to true.

    If you want to see other ways of setting up conditionally read only forms, I'd also suggest using the "Create from CDT" builder that is visible when you first create a new interface.
