Regarding the group picker: can the icon next to selected group be configured?

Certified Associate Developer

Hi all,

Our main GUI team member is concerned about the icon that shows up next to the selected usergroup when it is picked from the Group Picker. 

It appears to be a group of silhouettes, representing that there are multiple users. 

We are looking for a way to remove this picture or icon. If it isn't possible, we would prefer to use the group icon that Designer mode uses:

There isn't a call for our application to configure individual groups' profile pictures or special icons. So are there any alternatives to the silhouette icon?

Thank you!

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Parents Reply
  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Stefan Helzle

    Thank you for confirming this for me. As icons go, it really doesn't seem to match the rest of Appian's offerings. It almost looks like a placeholder for something like a Favicon--too small to be a profile picture, too detailed to be just the generic group icon. 

    Perhaps customization (even just changing the icon for the group picker to the Designer icon) is something Appian considers for a future release. 

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to robinfriedmr

    It seems like this would be satisfied via either the ability to set a custom icon for a group, and/or allowing the ability to give a group a "profile picture" of sorts.  Thus that icon/picture would appear there instead of the placeholder.  This would be a nice-to-have, though I imagine if it's on their radar at all it would be pretty far down the backlog (hopefully below other quality-of-life and/or feature-completion items).