I have a scenario where I need to somehow indicate in a lineChartField when a specific value on the X axis is selected. Basically I need a chartReferenceLine, but on the X axis. I have attached a photo as an example.
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Hello!Have you thought of using a fake distribution? one chart series that is 0 everywhere except on the x values required?It could work in your case because you seem to have a lot of values and your distribution start at 0
Tell me if it could work, else i will think of something else
Hi Gabriele, this works to a certain extent. I have created a couple fake distributions to show a few data points where each line should be. Is there any way to have the chart draw a vertical line, or set the icon for different chart series to to be the same icon?
What do you mean by "same icon"?
I mean that if I use an additional two chartseries to show where a selected data point is on the x axis, those two chart series have different icons. For example in this screenshot, I am using two chart series to display 1 x axis value. Is there any way to make the two green dots be the same icon (both a circle or square for example)?