How can i show an array of documents in my interface for users to download?
This is my situation: I am building an interface in the interface designer, and i have a rule input with the array of documents, now i want to show those documents for users to download, so i used a Link field component that let me put some links and i used the a!documentDownloadLink( to do that), but i do not know how to do it for a dynamic array because i will do not know the values of the rule input array, it is not static, it comes from the database.
So now i know how to access if it is static , and that would be for instance like: a!documentDownloadLink(document: ri!ACAA_CreditRequest.creditDocs[1]) and so on, but with a dynamic array i do not know how to do this.
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You can make your interface dynamic. Check this pattern for how to do that in general.
thanks that works! if i want to show the name of the document, how can i do this?
fv!item shows for instance like: [Document:3545 ] , but i want to show like the name of the file the user upload