Error: Cannot interpret context for UI Expression. Reason: Invalid Context

Certified Lead Developer


Can anyone suggest why we see the below issue? We are seeing this error only for one specific user and it is intermittent. 

This is happening when one of the user is trying to click on a related action in records.

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  • Can you provide more information - what is the expression for your interface? Have you always seen this issue or did it just start happening? Do you see anything in the logs (likely the stdout log)?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Peter Lewis

    Hello Peter 
    This started happening couple of days ago and only to one specific user as of now.

  • Ok what about the interface expression or logs?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Peter Lewis

    Here is the log. 

    	... 574 more
    2021-10-11 12:54:50,534 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6359163] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 12:54:53,294 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 12:54:53,908 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6359276] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 12:56:52,096 [Appian Timer - 1] WARN  com.appiancorp.common.ObjectSynchronizer - 1 services were missing users.
    2021-10-11 13:03:54,129 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6360817] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:04:08,171 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:04:08,725 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6360911] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:04:10,254 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:04:10,948 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:04:11,603 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:04:12,303 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:04:12,899 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6361119] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:06:43,293 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6361925] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Invalid credentials, Appian was not able to authenticate with the access token you provided. This request requires Bearer authentication.]
    2021-10-11 13:11:13,716 [Timer-6] INFO  com.appiancorp.cache.DatabaseAuxiliaryCache - Removing expired entries from db cache: uiState-auxiliary
    2021-10-11 13:15:01,517 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6365311] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Invalid credentials, Appian was not able to authenticate with the access token you provided. This request requires Bearer authentication.]
    2021-10-11 13:16:52,444 [Appian Timer - 1] WARN  com.appiancorp.common.ObjectSynchronizer - 1 services were missing users.
    2021-10-11 13:26:37,189 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6371309] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:26:39,684 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:26:40,283 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6371401] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:27:10,104 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6371620] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:27:12,377 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:27:12,967 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6371711] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
    2021-10-11 13:27:42,088 [ajp-nio-] WARN  com.appiancorp.core.monitoring.MetricsCircuitBreaker - Heap usage is high, stopping metrics capturing for sail evaluation.
    2021-10-11 13:27:42,148 [ajp-nio-] WARN  com.appiancorp.sail.WrapInMetricHelper - Synthetic metric not captured. An error may have occurred in metrics collection, or metrics collection may have been aborted due to high memory usage.
    2021-10-11 13:30:40 WARNING [ajp-nio-] com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.WebComponent.filterFormParameters A servlet request, to the URI, contains form parameters in the request body but the request body has been consumed by the servlet or a servlet filter accessing the request parameters. Only resource methods using @FormParam will work as expected. Resource methods consuming the request body by other means will not work as expected.
    2021-10-11 13:34:09,388 [ajp-nio-] WARN  com.appiancorp.core.monitoring.MetricsCircuitBreaker - Heap usage is high, stopping metrics capturing for sail evaluation.
    2021-10-11 13:34:10,236 [ajp-nio-] WARN  com.appiancorp.sail.WrapInMetricHelper - Synthetic metric not captured. An error may have occurred in metrics collection, or metrics collection may have been aborted due to high memory usage.
    2021-10-11 13:36:00,543 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6383026] WARN  com.appiancorp.core.monitoring.MetricsCircuitBreaker - Heap usage is high, stopping metrics capturing for sail evaluation.
    2021-10-11 13:36:00,631 [ajp-nio-] WARN  com.appiancorp.sail.WrapInMetricHelper - Synthetic metric not captured. An error may have occurred in metrics collection, or metrics collection may have been aborted due to high memory usage.
    2021-10-11 13:36:52,786 [Appian Timer - 1] WARN  com.appiancorp.common.ObjectSynchronizer - 1 services were missing users.
    2021-10-11 13:39:42,686 [ajp-nio-] ERROR com.appiancorp.tomcat.logs.GloballyVisibleLogsHelper - Could not find node name from currentDirCanonicalPath /usr/local/appian/ae/shared-logs/rialtocapital-2
    2021-10-11 13:43:01,288 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6392183] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Invalid credentials, Appian was not able to authenticate with the access token you provided. This request requires Bearer authentication.]
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Peter Lewis

    Unable to copy paste the log. System is marking it as spam and removing the comments.

  • Can you look through the log at the time that this issue occurs and see if there are any relevant errors?

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Peter Lewis

    This is the error i'm seeing 

    2021-10-11 12:54:50,534 [Appian AppianServerThreadPoolProvider 6359163] ERROR com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.http.execution.AppianHttpRequestExecutor - ConnectorRuntimeException [title=Authentication is required, This request requires Bearer authentication, but no access token was provided]
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