Decision Table with Expressions as output

I would like to use a decision table to determine a particular display configured as an expression.   If an object is of type A and Status B, then display rule!AB.  The configured expression would not take in any inputs and is only for display purposes. 

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    This is super ghetto but you could always wrap the decision in an expression rule and direct the expression rule to call different [expressionable] outcomes based on a particular plaintext output from the decision. 

    Though at that rate, it seems hardly worth it to even bother with the decision rule anymore - which is why I've ended up hardly ever using them.

  • Though at that rate, it seems hardly worth it to even bother with the decision rule anymore - which is why I've ended up hardly ever using them.

    Just wanted to chime in to agree with this - without expressionable outputs for decision rules, I haven't been able to find any use cases to actually implement one in production, in my environment.  This might be a case for a new "Feature Request" thread..

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Chris

    Somewhat recently I did come upon a particular use case - something that assigns different arbitrary text output values to various arbitrary combinations of input status IDs (in some cases keying off a main status id and a substatus id, and in other cases just the main status id).  That works well, and the same thing in an expression rule would've been, while not very hard, a painful amount of if() handling, etc. 

    However, so far this has been the only time I've used one (and i had to be OK with the hardcoding of values involved, which I just kinda had to overlook in this case), -- but all other occasions I've investigated the possibility I've found that they just don't cut it.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Chris

    Somewhat recently I did come upon a particular use case - something that assigns different arbitrary text output values to various arbitrary combinations of input status IDs (in some cases keying off a main status id and a substatus id, and in other cases just the main status id).  That works well, and the same thing in an expression rule would've been, while not very hard, a painful amount of if() handling, etc. 

    However, so far this has been the only time I've used one (and i had to be OK with the hardcoding of values involved, which I just kinda had to overlook in this case), -- but all other occasions I've investigated the possibility I've found that they just don't cut it.

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