What is wrong with following event ajax call ffrom form on chanhe od date field

What is wrong with following event ajax call ffrom form on chanhe od date field ?

},"=calworkdays(FormAPI.getValue("date1").id, FormAPI.getValue("date2").id])");



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  • Good catch. This type of issues can be easily diagnosed using Fiddler to monitor the request you are doing. If you take a look at the request: http://<SERVER>/suite/plugins/servlet/forms_expression in Fiddler you will see the expression is sent as: expression%3D%3Dcalworkdays(2%2F1%2F2012%2C2%2F7%2F2012) which can be decoded using this site: meyerweb.com/.../ When decoded you will see the expression we are evaluating is of type:expression==calworkdays(2/1/2012,2/7/2012) which is not correct, because there are no quotes surrounding the dates. If you test this directly in the Rules interface it will give you the wrong value too.

  • Good catch. This type of issues can be easily diagnosed using Fiddler to monitor the request you are doing. If you take a look at the request: http://<SERVER>/suite/plugins/servlet/forms_expression in Fiddler you will see the expression is sent as: expression%3D%3Dcalworkdays(2%2F1%2F2012%2C2%2F7%2F2012) which can be decoded using this site: meyerweb.com/.../ When decoded you will see the expression we are evaluating is of type:expression==calworkdays(2/1/2012,2/7/2012) which is not correct, because there are no quotes surrounding the dates. If you test this directly in the Rules interface it will give you the wrong value too.

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