We are facing issue like the value is Number(Decimal) when user enters - 1595739.56 it gets round of to – 1595740. Which is a concern here. Also any number which is of 7 or more than 7 digit are getting round of.
We understand appian recommends the uses of ‘text field’ instead of floating point field, but this will lead to the column type changes in Database because those decimal columns can either be calculated in appian or in database stored procedures, hence as converting the column from decimal to varchar will required us to type cast them from varcharToDecimal before doing any calculation s and those are many fields which are used in calculations. Any urgent help/suggestion is really great help to me to progress.
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This is just a matter of how Appian displays values. This is also documented.
"For forms, use one of the following Text Functions to display a decimal number as a default value to avoid rounding."
Thanks Stefan for quick reply, yes the text function is really helpful, but as I have almost 15 to 18 decimal fields and are used in calculations so convert them to text and again if you use that text value to store in database of type decimal, it will get round off again same issue. For display text function is useful but storing those many required dB changes column to varchar, so instead am looking for any long or big decimal in Appian as used in Java?
What I want to say is that Appian does not round your decimals. Appian directly uses a Java double to store these values. And AFAIK there is no other way, with the exception of mapping to text.
okay..thanks Stefan for details.