Possible to style a helpToolTip?

We are using the helpToolTip parameter with some of our interface questions. Is it possible to change the styling of this (i.e. color, size, icon)?

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  • I'm 99% certain this isn't possible.

    What you could do though is make your own component that replaces the relevant label, helpToolTip and required aspects displayed above with a side by side component that can be manipulated.

    Depending on your use case this may not work though. For a standard interface though it should be fine.

    EDIT: Adding code

      local!label: "May I offer you an egg in these trying times?",
      /*Note that label size also impacts the help tooltip and required indicators/icons*/
      local!labelSize: "STANDARD",
      local!required: true,
      local!helpTooltipText: "This is a helpful tooltip",
      local!helpTooltipIcon: "question-circle",
      local!helpTooltipIconColor: "ACCENT",
        divider: "BELOW",
        contents: {
            items: {
                item: a!richTextDisplayField(
                  label: "Bespoke label, required indicator and help tooltip",
                  labelPosition: "COLLAPSED",
                  value: {
                      text: local!label,
                      style: "STRONG",
                      size: local!labelSize
                      text: " ",
                      style: "STRONG",
                      showWhen: not(a!isNullOrEmpty(local!helpTooltipText))
                      icon: local!helpTooltipIcon,
                      altText: local!helpTooltipText,
                      caption: local!helpTooltipText,
                      color: local!helpTooltipIconColor,
                      size: local!labelSize,
                      showWhen: not(a!isNullOrEmpty(local!helpTooltipText))
                      text: "*",
                      style: "STRONG",
                      color: "ACCENT",
                      size: local!labelSize,
                      showWhen: local!required
            label: local!label,
            labelPosition: "COLLAPSED",
            required: local!required,
            helpTooltip: local!helpTooltipText,
            choiceLabels: {
            choiceValues: {
            choiceLayout: "COMPACT"

    For comparison I left the actual label, help tooltip and required indicator on the radio button field and the only difference is in the required indicator although I haven't played around with the CHAR() function and unicode.

    Play around with the values and add your own in like changing the color of the label (or whatever you want)

  • Thank you! I will see if this is a solution we'd want to implement. 

  • Hi there,

    Do you mean to change the style of that question icon appearing adjacent to the label or the text that appears when you hover on that icon? 
    If it is about the question icon, then the other commenter has already provided you with the solution. If it is about styling the text, then you cannot do that as of now even with the latest Appian version.