Hi We're facing some inconsistency in "mouseup" event


We're facing some inconsistency in "mouseup" event of an image in user input task.

We've a submit button on the form with id "button1"
We're trying to call click event of this button on mouse up of the image.
We're using the following javascript code to achieve this.


We've also imported the js file using following code on load event of user input task


Please find attached the error message we're getting and let us know necessary modifications required.




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  • Can you elaborate on the inconsistency you are seeing? Does the javascript work sometimes for some users and not for others? Please check the browser versions, as in the past I have seen js compatibility issues between IE versions with the js code you indicate you are using. Please try the following:
  • Have you tried putting the following statement in your code and use the F12 key to launch IE Developer Tools and through the Scripting tab debug this issue?

    I see you already tried

    setTimeout(function(){getObject("button1").parentNode.firstChild.click(); }, 100);

    but did you try using IE Developer Tools? Attached you will find a how to enable the debugger once you put the following line before your code
