How to restrict the end user to enter the duplicate emails or mobile?

Certified Associate Developer

Hi all,

I am working on a project, I want to restrict the end user to enter the duplicate email ids or mobile numbers. I mean, end user cannot enter the email or mobile number if it's already exist in the Database.

It should show an error message if user entered existed email id on the interface.

Solutions would be highly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

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Parents Reply
  • I don't think fetching ALL emailids into a local variable and then conducting a local lookup is very scalable. Imagine if the database had 10 million unique values for email addresses? Better to run a Query Entity to match on the entered emaiId and restrict the result set to 1 row (batchSize: 1),. The resultant datasbuset would wither have 0 or 1 items in the returned data.
